Chilled Magazine: Featured Mixologist

Chilled Magazine features Snake Oil Cocktail Company’s Mixology Director, Frankie Thaheld.

Name: Frankie J. Thaheld

Hometown: San Diego, CA

Nationality: United States

Birthday: 11/17/1972

Sign: Scorpio

Where You Bartend: George’s California Modern, Snake Oil Cocktail Company

How Many Years Bartending: 16

Favorite Cocktail: Crutch Cocktail

Favorite Beer: Alesmith X

Favorite Shot: Averna Amaro

Favorite Bar In The World To Have A Drink: Garçon, San Francisco

Frankie’s Own Signature Cocktail: Jardinero

  • 1.5 oz. Piscologia pisco
  • 1 oz. fresh celery juice
  • .75 oz. fresh meyer lemon juice
  • .5 oz. simple syrup
  • pinch of cumin
  • celery green
  • .25 oz. Cynar amaro

Preparation: Add all liquids except Cynar to a mixing glass. Shake with ice to chill and strain into a chilled cocktail glass rinsed with Cynar. Add a pinch of cumin on top and a celery green for garnish.

Originally featured in Chilled Magazine

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